Jumat, 11 Juni 2010


what is a Hymen

Every human being is born different. The differences were apparent and easily found from many things, ranging from sex, face up to things that are hidden though.

Speaking about the differences of things hidden, reproductive organ is one of them. Men and women are clearly different from both of form and function of reproductive organs. In women, a difference that still can be seen up to one of the outside of the genital organs of the hymen.

It was, still is very strong in our culture that the hymen is one marker of a woman's virginity or virginity. Which is unfortunate, mistakes and lack of accurate information about the female genital organs are still common and often detrimental to position the Eve.

One of the information that is often mistaken or even not many people know is the woman hymen shapes are not uniform or the same shape.
By knowing the fact that the shape of the hymen varies expected to change the perception as well as straighten the wrong assumption about this female organ.
As told by experts from the Faculty of Medicine, Obstetrics Gynecology, University of Indonesia (Faculty of medicine), Dr. Slamet Iman Santoso Suryono, SPOG, hymen women are different and have a hole or pore shape varies. Degree of softness and flexibility of the membrane which is also called "Hymen" is no different.

"The hymen has many forms, ranging from annular shape, there are many types  and there is also a cibriformis or holes.
Because of its form membranes, bleeding in this section is usually small. Well, this is usually likes to bleed during first sex. But not all women would be so, "said Dr. Suryono in talk show" Sexuality in Indonesia: Taboo or Need? "In Jakarta, Thursday (10 / 7) then.

The doctor who also served as Chairman of the Indonesian Society of Obstetrics Gynecology (POGI) explains, if a woman has a shape that its form annular membrane is very thin, then most likely he will experience no bleeding at all at first intercourse. With this fact also, some of the myths about virginity blood can actually be straightened.

In addition to a kind of thin and hollow, there are also women who do not have a hole the membranes at all or also called " impervorate  Hymen." This species is a genetic disorder and a woman will usually be difficulties when entering a menstrual period.

"This is a congenital anomaly or congenital. As a result, a woman does not menstruate in the long term, but when he actually menstrual blood is retained in the vagina and can cause tumors. Figures it happened in Indonesia is quite a lot, "said Dr. Suryono.

After a woman to menstruate for the first time, the hole in the hymen can grow wider. But certainly, after the split or torn hymen can not be restored to its original intact.

Dr. Suryono stressed that although there are medical experts claim can renewal or repair the hymen, it was actually done in order to restore mental and psychological trauma patients only.

"Since it is very thin and there are no blood vessels, the hymen can not be repaired.
So no longer a virgin can be restored, "he said.

Even if the surgery done, said Dr. Suryono, certainly not improved virginity membranes. Doctors usually only take action if necessary just to reassure and restore the confidence of patients.

"Actually, if everyone already has an understanding of the hymen, the operation was completely unnecessary," he said.

Hymen Type based forms: Hymen Type based forms:

* Annular Hymen; membrane around the vaginal opening.
    * Septate Hymen; membrane is marked with a few holes open.
    * Cibriform Hymen; membrane was also marked several holes that are open, but smaller properties,                       and more numerous.
    * Introitus: In women who are highly experienced in sexual intercourse, could have enlarged the hole membranes. But still leaves the hymen network.

Senin, 19 April 2010


How many times have you looked at your girlfriend, sister, mother or any other woman and wondered, “What is going on inside her head?!
It’s no secret that women have a way of confounding men with their mysterious behavior. I’m a woman, and I’d be the first to admit this! Men and women sometimes seem to be speaking two different languages—and just like with any other language barrier, sometimes you need a translator to step in and help out.

Well, that’s exactly what I’m here to do. Dozens—maybe hundreds—of books have already been written on the question of how men and women can learn to communicate better, but none of them tell you all the secrets I am going to give you here.
This is a very unusual and much needed book, because it contains hundreds of specific and proven tips about how to make your relationship with the special woman in your life a healthy, long-lasting and happy one.
Most relationship books contain lots of abstract theories about what makes a good relationship. They give you exercises to perform with your partner. But that’s all baloney!
Exercises Don’t Work and Theories Can’t Help You Out
When ALL You Really Need to Know Is:
What is The Woman in My Life Thinking Right NOW?
How Can I Learn to Understand Her and Her Feelings?
You need specific advice, and that’s why I have written this book. I have been through it all—all the uncertainty, the fights, the break-ups, the singles scene—and now I’m in a committed and very satisfying relationship with the love of my life. I give advice to thousands of people about how to improve their relationships and become closer to their loved ones. I know firsthand what works between men and women, and I want to pass all that knowledge over to you.
Do you want to know just
what is she thinking and feeling?
I have put together 500 secrets you need to know about your woman if you ever desire to make her fall in love with you and keep her by your side. This will help you to really know the thoughts, feelings, needs, and desires of the one you are with.



Rabu, 20 Januari 2010

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